Thursday, October 25, 2012

SIGCOMM 2012 论文选读 - A Smart Pre-Classifier to Reduce Power Consumption of TCAMs for Multi-dimensional Packet Classification

Session 7: Network Formalism and Algorithmics

Ternary Content-Addressable Memories (TCAMs) has become the industrial standard for high-throughput packet classification. However, one major drawback of TCAMs is their high power consumption, which is becoming critical with the boom of data centers, the growing classifiers and the deployment of IPv6. In this paper, we propose a practical and efficient solution which introduces a smart pre-classifier to reduce power consumption of TCAMs for multi-dimensional packet classification. We reduce the dimension of the problem through the pre-classifier which pre-classifies a packet on two header fields, source and destination IP addresses. We then return to the high dimension problem where only a small portion of a TCAM is activated and searched for a given packet. The smart pre-classifier is built in a way such that a given packet matches at most one entry in the pre-classifier, which make commodity TCAMs sufficient to implement the pre-classifier. Furthermore, each rule is stored only once in one of the TCAM blocks, which avoids rule replication. The presented solution uses commodity TCAMs, and the proposed algorithms are easy to implement. Our scheme achieves a median power reduction of 91% and an average power reduction of 88% on real and synthetic classifiers respectively.


自问题提出以来,大致就分为两大区域,一是利用软件算法的解决方案,即采用精妙设计的算法来满足诸多的限制和性能需求,部分算法也能部署到一些通用网络处理硬件平台,学术界讨论这方面的 文章颇多;另一类是基于硬件(多为CAM)的方案,这一类多为工业界所关注,要基于硬件的特殊结构,达到设计的目标。

Monday, October 15, 2012

SIGCOMM 2012 论文选读 - Optimizing Cost and Performance for Content Multihoming

Session 8: Streaming and Content Networking

Many large content publishers usemultiple content distribution networks to deliver their content, and many commercial systems have become available to help a broader set of content publishers to benefit from using multiple distribution networks, which we refer to as content multihoming. In this paper, we conduct the first systematic study on optimizing content multihoming, by introducing novel algorithms to optimize both performance and cost for content multihoming. In particular, we design a novel, efficient algorithm to compute assignments of content objects to content distribution networks for content publishers, considering both cost and performance. We also design a novel, lightweight client adaptation algorithm executing at individual content viewers to achieve scalable, fine-grained, fast online adaptation to optimize the quality of experience (QoE) for individual viewers. We prove the optimality of our optimization algorithms and conduct systematic, extensive evaluations, using real charging data, content viewer demands, and performance data, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms. We show that our content multihoming algorithms reduce publishing cost by up to 40%. Our client algorithm executing in browsers reduces viewer QoE degradation by 51%.


本文研究的是“content multihoming”问题,即如何利用多个CDN来高效、省钱地提供内容给用户。文章主要从两个方面(publisher、viewer)研究了在对于不同内容选择CDN时候的算法,来优化cost和performance。
本地的viewer则面临着:内容在多家CDN的不同服务器上都有提供,该选择哪个来提高用户体验(Quality of Experience,QoE)?
所建立的模型中,利用一个集中式的优化器(central Optimizer),来响应对CDN的内容请求。根据请求客户端功能的不同,将客户端分为被动客户端和主动客户端。前者对某个内容只能连接到一台CDN服务器,因此,只能在server端进行优化。后者对一个内容可能利用多个CDN服务器。这样,当某台服务器服务能力不够时,主动客户端还可以利用其它的服务器。
服务端优化问题最终抽象的模型是一个带有约束条件的最小优化问题。优化目标是整体的cost,约束条件是满足用户需求(Sec 5.1)。解决这一类问题的一般思路是线性规划或者凸优化。然而,当问题的规模比较大的时候,线性规划计算代价不可接受;目标函数是凹函数,无法直接进行凸优化。因此,作者提出可以转化为其他问题(分配问题),并进一步提出了优化的分配方案(考虑分配后的输出空间,使用凹优化),降低解决问题的复杂度。