Friday, January 04, 2013

NSDI 2012 论文选读 - Header space analysis: Static checking for networks

Today’s networks typically carry or deploy dozens of protocols and mechanisms simultaneously such as MPLS, NAT, ACLs and route redistribution. Even when individual protocols function correctly, failures can arise from the complex interactions of their aggregate, requiring network administrators to be masters of detail. Our goal is to automatically find an important class of failures, regardless of the protocols running, for both operational and experimental networks.
To this end we developed a general and protocol-agnostic framework, called Header Space Analysis (HSA). Our formalism allows us to statically check network specifications and configurations to identify an important class of failures such as ReachabilityFailures, Forwarding Loops and Traffic Isolation and Leakage problems. In HSA, protocol header fields are not first class entities; instead we look at the entire packet header as a concatenation of bits without any associated meaning. Each packet is a point in the {0, 1}^L space where L is the maximum length of a packet header, and networking boxes transform packets from one point in the space to another point or set of points (multicast).
We created a library of tools, called Hassel, to implement our framework, and used it to analyze a variety of networks and protocols. Hassel was used to analyze the Stanford University backbone network, and found all the forwarding loops in less than 10 minutes, and verified reachability constraints between two subnets in 13 seconds. It also found a large and complex loop in an experimental loose source routing protocol in 4 minutes.
有一种论文,看似得来轻松,却是功到自然;看似设计简单,却是大巧不工。这样的文章一出,即便学霸、专家看了,也往往觉得眼前一亮。倘若又能联系实际,碰巧解决一两个工程问题,那就更加站得住脚了,哪怕顶级会议也是问题不大。msra的Chuanxiong Guo曾发过一些类似风格的文章,后来功力日深,不常走这类轻巧路线了。
sdn的概念提出早期,大家一起讨论,这玩意能干啥,当时就有人提出能做diagnosis,大家的思路就是说一旦发生了问题,通过计算能快速的发现或者解决问题。这样的工作现在也有一些成果,但都是靠solid的设计和实现取胜。这篇文章中要解决的问题,则更加大胆。给我你的网络配置(转发策略等)情况,我能告诉你有哪些问题,比如,网络中是否存在环路?并给其了一个好听的名字,叫做Header Space Analysis (HSA)。

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